Adrenaline increases blood pressure, constricts blood vessels, increases strength and heart rate. When shock and extreme situations a person takes incredible strength, speed, and experiences strong emotions that are not managed by the mind. With the release of adrenaline, the pupils dilate sharply, in the blood, releasing large amounts of glucose, all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated to a state of catabolic collapse. Instantly burned excess fat on the digestion of which would have left 100 times more time.
People who artificially or due to various diseases have increased levels of adrenaline, never have problems with excess weight, easy to get acute emotional feelings, very energetic and explosive.
If you want to increase adrenaline, do extreme sports, go for extreme sports holidays, for example, in the Altai mountains, to pass through mountain rivers and waterfalls kayaking. Everyone who at least once in their life experienced a strong adrenaline rush, trying to get those emotions again. The body experiences intense euphoria, and there is no need to take psychotropic substances, alcohol, drugs to get strong emotions.
People leading a sedentary life, do not want extreme, prone to depression, sleep disorders, impotence, melancholy. They cease to feel and to enjoy, are rolling on its steady track, no longer something to be surprised, to admire, unable to love anyone.
Extreme sports adrenaline is increased by the thrills while raising to great heights. That's why it is so popular amusement rides in parks, Ferris wheel, rollercoaster, swings, soaring up sharply.
You can also get the adrenaline rush when having sex in extreme situations, for example, in the cinema.
Synthetic adrenaline is used in medicine under various shocks, bronchospasm, including during anesthesia, with severe allergic reactions, acute asystole, bleeding, heart surgery, renal failure, hypoglycemia the introduction of excessive doses of insulin, priapism, for lengthening of action of anesthetics.