You will need
  • - dumbbells - 2 pieces
  • - the yoga Mat
At home you can also do fitness with a positive result. Here the most important - discipline. Scroll to 15 minutes 2 times a week for classes, and after a few months you will notice the first result. To pump up arm muscles dumbbells, you'll need two dumbbells weighing 1.5-2 kg for beginners and 4-6 kg for more prepared. These exercises are designed specifically for quick results with proper and regular approach.
Lie on the floor on Mat (near the back you can put a folded blanket for softness), hands with dumbbells pull along the body. Raise your arms so that the dumbbells are perpendicular to the ceiling. Begin to bend your elbows so that the dumbbells touched his shoulders. Movements are slow. Make 6-8 approaches.
Push-UPS with straight legs. If push-UPS until you can't, you can lean on his knees. Start prying from the top of the - weight of the body should have on hand. Keep your arms straight, palms and feet resting on the floor. Make 8-10 approaches. Follow the breath.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells are stretched along the body. Expand the dumbbell so that the back of hands looking forward. Slowly begin to bend your elbows below the dumbbells got the chin level in two stages. Inhale - rise up to chest level, hold for a few seconds, rise to the level of the chin, exhale. To return to the original position in the opposite direction. Breathing in, lower hands to chest level, hold, lower down, exhale. And so 6-8 approaches.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells are stretched along the body. Bend forward, chest parallel to the floor, back straight, pelvis tucked up. Slowly begin to move her arms with dumbbells to the side, reaching shoulder level. Make 6-8 approaches