If you are planning pregnancy, be sure to complete the full physicians. Return all tests for infection, make sure to do ultrasound of internal organs. If there are any problems with health, then a little move planned until you've completed treatment. When pregnancy has already occurred, this does not exempt the woman from medical examination. It is advisable to go to the hospital as early as possible.
Regularly attend antenatal clinic and donate blood and urine tests. If there is a failure, the tests will record. When the doctor insists that you need to go to the hospital, listen to the doctor. Often the stood pregnancy is the fault of women that didn't follow the advice of a specialist.
Do not take any medications, herbs, too. If you feel bad or something bothers you, contact the doctor who conducts your pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage increases dramatically if a woman self-medicates. Especially important as soon as possible to visit a physician if you suspect the flu virus, which can give serious complications in fetal development.
If you have the risk of losing the baby, the doctor he will prescribe all necessary medications. Vitamins and other food supplements should prescribe a gynecologist. It's impossible to find any of these tools yourself, even seemingly harmless vitamins.
The entire pregnancy lead an active lifestyle, try not to sit in one place. Because of the permanent stay in the apartment there may be changes in the body, which is not the best way affect the health of mother and baby. Walk in the fresh air, enjoy your life and try to think less about the bad. Stress has a negative impact on the condition of the expectant mother.
If you feel strong abdominal pain or bleeding, call an ambulance. Usually the pregnancy can be saved. Be attentive to yourself and then 9 months later you give birth to a wonderful baby. Sorry, there are no particular ways to prevent the stood pregnancy. Just be calm and follow the recommendations of the expert.