In nature there are very few people who can boast perfect skin. Fortunately, modern cosmetology helps to correct this defect. It should be remembered that in order to have beautiful smooth skin, you should regularly take care of it.
Care should be daily. Choose beauty products that suit your type of skin. Be sure to clean the face of makeup. One or two times a week to do peels and pamper your face with a nourishing mask.
Tanning in the sun, use protective creams, as the sun dehydrates the skinthat leads to premature aging. Besides insatiable sun can result in sunburn that will soon turn into spots, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
If you need to bring the skin in order to look perfect, you can try the following recipe: mix shaving cream with one tablespoon hot water, add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Whisk it all with a shaving brush, apply to face and allow to dry. Rinse the part with warm water, then rinse with cold water. Leather will flatten and fade.
To Supplement this procedure can be a protein mask. Take the protein of one egg, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply on face. Once the mask dries, rinse it with cool water. After that, apply a nourishing cream.
Make the face smooth and fresh, and using the services of a beautician. Today, depending on your age and skin condition, you can choose a variety of options ranging from fruit peel and ending with a chemical peel or laser. Such procedures help instantly improve the skin, smooth out wrinkles and give your face a porcelain sheen.