You will need
  • 1) 1 tsp almond oil, 8 drops of rosemary oil.
  • 2) Mummy, baby cream.
  • 3) 150 ml natural yoghurt, 1 tbsp of almond oil, lemon.
  • 4) 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp salt and 0.5 tbsp of palm oil.
  • 5) Essential oil.
  • 6) Green, blue and gray clay, liquid honey.
There is one folk remedy for treatment of stretch marks with almond oil. Mix one teaspoon of almond oil and eight drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix thoroughly and RUB into the skin until then, until you start to pass the stretch.
A proven way to get rid of stretch marks with the help of Shilajit. Dissolve one gram Shilajit in one tablespoon of hot water. Add 80 grams baby cream, mix thoroughly and RUB in once a month to problem areas. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, tightly close the lid.
Using peels and scrubs to smooth out stretch marks. For this we need 150 ml of yogurt and one tablespoon of almond oil. Lemon good wash and RUB on a small grater, zest one lemon and mix with yogurt and almond oil. Apply peeling for stretch marks and gently massage for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. To carry out this procedure you need twice a week. By peeling the stretch marks will gradually become much less.
Mix one Cup sugar, one Cup of salt and 0.5 cups palm oil (can substitute olive). All thoroughly and before showering apply a small amount of the obtained scrub on problem areas and massage. After that, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing body cream. Through the month will see the first results – stretch marks will become much lighter and will begin to dissolve. Continue to massage the place the appearance of stretch marks and you will surely achieve a great result.
In order to get rid of stretch marks on hips you need every day to do massage using essential oils – orange oil, wheat germ oil, rosemary oil and hazelnut. The movement should be neat without strong pressure and stretching of the skin.
Mix equal proportions of green, blue and gray clay. Add a little liquid honey to form a homogeneous plastic mass. Spread the resulting paste on stretch marks, to fix a bandage and leave overnight. To do this procedure every day until the disappearance of stretch marks and scars. Every day to cook a new batch of clay with honey.