You will need
  • balloons;
  • - coloured cardboard;
  • - photographs of the child;
  • glue;
  • - scissors;
  • - tight threads.
Six-month-old baby begins to explore the world and becoming more inquisitive. This time well suited to gather in the house of relatives and friends. The number of guests depends on your desire, however it is not recommended to invite more than 5-7 people. A noisy crowd can scare the kid, not having much experience in communicating with strangers.
Try to plan the event without disrupting the daily routine of the baby. Celebration it is better to organize the day as evening gatherings can negatively affect the falling asleep of the baby, and a plethora of new experiences at night will make sleep restless.
Since the main diet of the birthday child is breast milk or formula, he will not be able to participate in the festive meal. A selection of festive snacks. Try serving meals in accordance with the meeting. Don't forget the beautiful cake that you can order or make your own.
Of course, no celebration is complete without gifts. For 6-month-old baby a great surprise will be colorful the great pyramids or music books with a moderate sound. If you want to give the child something special, buy a set of wooden dolls. It is with great pleasure to open them, finding new figures. This exciting activity promotes the development of fine motor skills.
Decorate a room colorful balloons. Rest assured, they will not leave your child indifferent. Interesting gift for baby and parents can become memorable train photos from birth to six months. Cut out rectangular frames of thick colored cardboard and place them in various photo moments from the life of the baby. Stick to every received carriage wheels and seal them with thick thread. Hang a locomotive on the wall so that guests could get acquainted with your creation. By the way, this composition can be supplemented with new photos of the first birthday of the baby.