To find out the cause of constipation in baby be sure to consult a specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, including: change in diet, the use of special drugs, massage, etc.
Purchase at the pharmacy, children's glycerin suppository, they are sold without a prescription. Enter one candle in the rectum of the child and squeeze in a few minutes his buttocks so that the glycerin would dissolve faster.
To call the chair at child, give him a natural laxative. To do this, dissolve the juice of prunes with water in a ratio of 1:1. For a child of 3-4 months will be enough, 30 ml, for a baby older than 1 year is 240 milliliters. Try to give the child mashed prunes, apricot, pear, plum or peach.
Call the chair of the child can be using a nonprescription laxative "Maltsupex" (extract of malt and barley). Child age 1-2 years let 1 tablespoon of the drug, mixed with 240 milliliters of water or juice daily as long as the feces will become softer.
Mineral oil is an excellent laxative. Give it to baby 1 time a day at the rate of 30 milliliters for each year of the child. If he refuses to drink it, mix oil with food or juice.
If child severe constipation and he's not responding, give him an enema. To do this, enter into the rectum following the amount of liquid depending on the age of the child:- 0-2 months - 25 ml; 1-2 months - 30-40 ml;- 2 to 4 months - 60 ml; 6-9 months - 120 milliliters;- 1-2 years - 200 ml;- 2-5 years - 300 ml;- 6-10 years - 400 milliliters.
Exclude from the diet of the baby "holding" foods: rice, bananas, boiled carrots, milk, cheese etc. give more fluid.
Even if the irregularity does not cause anxiety in the baby, do not leave it unattended. Prolonged constipation can lead to intestinal dysbiosis, Diatto, rash in child, as well as local inflammatory process.