You will need
  • - gauze;
  • - the bandage;
  • Vata;
  • - the wiring.
Capillary bleeding occurs only for superficial wounds, the blood is from the wound drops. Since blood loss during such a wounding slight, the blood is easily stopped with an overlay of clean gauze bandages pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide. On top of the gauze, place a layer of cotton wool and tie a bandage. If not at hand a bandage and gauze bandage bleeding clean handkerchief. Don't use fluffy material as it is fraught with contamination of the wound (for the same reason, put cotton wool on a degloving injury).
With deeper wounds (stab and cut) occurring in venous bleeding, while you can observe the abundant discharge of dark red blood. Dangerous moment in this injury – possible suction of air into the vessels. If the air reaches the heart, death can occur. Stop the bleeding from the vein tight bandage. It acts as a crushing factor, which presses the damaged blood vessels, and bleeding stops. If you did not have on hand a first aid kit and a pressure bandage, and the bleeding from the wound is very strong, press the space allocation of blood with your fingers. In the flow of blood from the veins of the upper extremity – sometimes just enough to raise his hand up.
The most dangerous of all types of bleeding – arterial, it occurs when a deep stab and cut wounds. Arterial blood is bright red and spurts under high pressure, which can lead to the complete exsanguination of the victim. Stop the flow of blood to the wounded place by clamping the artery with your finger just above the injury. But this measure is temporary. Clamp the artery until then, until you are ready and do not apply a compression bandage. In some cases it is necessary to apply a tourniquet.
If you didn't have the harness, you can use a scarf, tie, handkerchief or suspenders. Apply an improvised tourniquet immediately after the injury a little above the bleeding. Place tourniquet cover with a layer of cheesecloth to prevent damage to nerves or skin. A well-tied tourniquet completely stops blood flow in the injured limb, however, don't leave it longer than two hours, as may be withering away of a limb.
When bleeding from the main human artery – carotid, immediately squeeze the wound with your fingers or even a fist. Then fill the wound with plenty of sterile gauze. This method stops the blood is called plugging. After ligation of bleeding areas wait for an ambulance or take victim to a medical facility.