You will need
  • - remember these machines, the owner of which you want to find.
There are several ways to find a person by the number of his car. First and foremost you should use Internet resources. Huge directory of sites offering services in search of car owners for everyone. Of the many portals to select the most reliable and try to enter what you remember. But you should know that online scammers are on the alert, and you can stumble on a website where you will be asked to pay a certain amount for getting information. Remember that there is no guarantee that you will get the desired data, in addition, it is possible that in addition to the listed amount, you will receive a huge bill that also will have to pay.
You can try to go the other way and try to get the data of the host machine with the help of employees of the state automobile inspection. They have a complete database of license platesthat are used on the territory of the Russian Federation. The difficulty is that such data cannot be made public, and it's even spelled out in legislation. So you need a serious reason to request information on the owner of the car. This reason can be the committed violation of traffic rules. Then the owner of the car will find police and he will have to appear before the law. If the reason for the search deems biased, you refuse to get information.
There is another way by which you can learn, where there lives the owner of the car. You can buy CDs with databases of license plates, which you will find in any market. Not the fact that the data will be correct, but it's possible that you'll be able to find someone you are looking for. Which of the three ways to use it, you decide, but remember that to use the drives with the databases – the violation of laws of the Russian Federation, for which you can incur administrative or even criminal penalties.