Bring the car to the salon, where it will be appreciated by specialists: as a rule, diagnose chassis, engine, and transmission.
Based on your wishes and results of the inspection, negotiate the price with the employees of the company, and then click inside the new machine (and this can be how do new and second-hand, but any you), pay the difference in price between the old and new car and get a new property transport.
This method has many advantages: it saves time, the owner of the machine does not need long to prepare for sale and to find buyers for your old car because of all the hassle for the implementation of old cars, including minor repairs and cleaning, takes care of the salon. In addition, the fading risk of fraud or other such hassles when selling a car on the market or through ads. New car available in the showroom and in the loan: the amount of the difference between the machines will be paid gradually.
This system of exchange has its drawbacks. Of course, the salon takes part of the real price of old cars his profit, but is rather a payment for quick solution. And beyond that, the choice of future machines is limited to what is offered at Trade-in one or more of these autos.
Please note, accepted by the system, not all car they must be in a satisfactory condition, their age, according to the rules salons must not be more than 10-15 years. Before we exchange cars, the owner will need to remove their vehicles from the register, although this service may be performed by representatives of the cabin. The documentation on the exchange machine completely takes over the firm.