You will need
    • goose fat;
    • pan.
Due to the fact that goose fat is not as hard as fat other birds and animals, to melt it much easier and faster. To make the process of melting more quickly, cut the fat into small pieces.
Take a clean pan, preferably with a thick bottom, to fatlike weight is not burned in it. And rascality it on high heat. The pan must be dry, otherwise the grease will splatter in all directions.
Once the pan is hot, add a small pinch of salt. This is spray grease, and food cooked after kindling fatbut will not burn to the pan.
Make the fire as small as possible, put in a pan of goose fat and wait until it is completely melted. You can cover the pan with a lid.
If you want to melt a large amount of fatand spread it on the pan in small portions and get received fat with a spoon into a glass jar. You can also strain it through cheesecloth.
After the fat has cooled, close the jar and refrigerate.
Use melted fat, as a base for grilling meats and vegetables. Thanks to natural ingredients it is completely safe for use in food.
Melted goose fat can also be used in the manufacture of in home protective and nourishing masks for the face. This slightly warmed fat should be mixed with a few drops of camphor oil and apply for 20 minutes on the face. Then remove the fatand tissue and wash with warm water.
Good to use the melted fat for the treatment of eczema or dry skin of the hands and feet in the winter. Thanks to the warming properties, it perfectly removes inflammation, softens the skin, making handles smooth and silky. Spread fat on the skin just once a day, but to achieve maximum effect, you should do this regularly.