You will need
    • water - 1 liter;
    • salt – 1 table spoon;
    • granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon;
    • vinegar – 2 tbsp.
The grape leaves and wash thoroughly with cold running water, let them dry out and gently lay them on top of each other in glass jars of 0.5 litre capacity (can be in other, but better not in large).
Then fill with boiling water and after 3-4 minutes drain the water. This procedure repeat about 2-3 times.
After that, pour the grape leaves marinade, prepared according to the following recipe: 1 liter of water, put on medium heat, add salt and sugar.
Mix thoroughly until complete dissolution of the components and pour in the vinegar. As soon as the marinade comes to a boil, pour over grape leaves.
Then with jars of pickled grape leavesmi put on 5 minutes to be sterilized, and then close the lids and store in a cool dark place.
To preserve grape leaves, collect them and dry 5-7 pieces and turning in the rolls tightly put in half-liter jars and close kapron lids, pre-soaking them for 5-10 seconds in hot water. Store in a cool dark place.
In addition, grape leaves can be prepared using the salting. To do this, put them in banks as well as for marinating. Then cover with cold salt water (100 grams salt per 1 liter of water). Nylon cover with lids and store in a cool place in the cellar, for example. Approximately a half-quart consumed 330 grams grape leaves and 180 milliliters of brine.