For the treatment of pyelitis, cystitis, enterocolitis, and take 1-2 tablets of soap 5-6 times a day. Keep the daily dosage does not exceed 3-6 g. If the treatment of a child 6-12 years old, give him one appointment 1/2-1 tablet streptotsida. Children under 6 years should not drink more than 1/4-1/2 tablet at a time.
The soap is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the throat. Angina or pharyngitis 3-4 times a day slowly dissolve one pill of the drug. The medication has a bitter taste, but to drink it is not recommended. The fluid will reduce the concentration of soap on the mucous membrane of the throat and will make the treatment ineffective.
Streptocid for local use. Grind tablet to a powder and sprinkle nonhealing wound. From top, apply the gauze and fix it with a bandage. Change the dressing 2-3 times a day. A few days later the wound heals. The same tool can be used to treat burns, felon and infectious diseases of the skin.
In a glass of warm boiled water pour the powdered soap (1 tablet per 200 ml of water) and wait until it dissolves. Stir the liquid so that the active substance is evenly distributed. With stomatitis mouth rinse resulting solution. Also liquid can be used for gargling for colds. This is a very effective solution for washing wounds and for instillation into the nose when a protracted cold.