You will need
  • - white willow bark;
  • grass celandine, calendula, lovage;
  • grass Thistle;
  • - hellebore (pharmaceutical preparation);
  • - tincture of Echinacea pharmacy;
  • - Sophora japonica, medical alcohol 70%.
At the first sign of purulent rashes on the face immediately consult a dermatologist. Prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and antibacterial drugs inside, and ointments of type erythromycinbuy, "Lorinden C" and others externally.
To significantly accelerate the healing of purulent lesions will help methods of folk medicine. Take white willow bark, chopped to a powder, brew a tablespoon of the powder with half a liter of boiling water in a thermos overnight. In the morning strain, take half a Cup three times a day before meals.
Take in equal amounts of celandine grass, calendula (leaves flowers), and lovage, having passed through a meat grinder vegetable raw materials, press out the juice through 2-layer cheesecloth. The juice of plant mixed with equal amount of vodka. Take the composition of a teaspoon three times a day an hour after eating. Also lubricate the affected areas of skin 3-5 times a day.
A very effective poultice of crushed root of lovage in the affected areas.
Very effective juice of the Thistle, which should be lubricated 3-5 times a day skin.
Rubbing the damaged skin water extract of the hellebore gives a noticeable effect after 3-4 treatments.
For the effective cure of this disease will definitely strengthen immune defenses. Take tincture of Echinacea, 10 drops, dissolved in 15 ml of water, 3-4 times a day before meal.
Prepare a tincture of Sophora japonica. Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw material with 100 ml of medical alcohol 70%. Insisting a week in a dark place, not filtering the composition, use the composition of the affected skin. Cleansing the skin is usually observed after 3-4 days of application.