You will need
  • - Easy Recovery.
If you accidentally delete an important document, first make sure that it is not in the "Basket". Open the tool and examine the contents of the folder that stores deleted files. Click on the desired document, right-click and select "Restore". If you permanently deleted the file, then download and install the program Easy Recovery.
Remember that if the deleted file was located on the local disk C, program is better to install on another partition. When the application is installed to the same local drive you can overwrite the sectors where deleted files are stored. Start data recovery immediately after deletion, if you want to increase the chances of its successful completion.
Easy Recovery launch and select "recover data". After opening the new window click on "recover deleted files". After the menu with the list of available partitions, select the one which you have recently deleted file. Check the box next to "Full scan".
In the field "file Filter" select a template "Office documents". Click "Next" and wait until the program will scan the specified hard disk partition and prepares the files to restore.
Now look in the left window menu the desired file, select it by setting the checkmark, and click "Save". Specify the disk partition and folder to save the recovered file. Click "Next" and wait for the completion of the program.
Restore the integrity of the document using the menu "file Repair" programs Easy Recovery. Sometimes it helps to bring back the original state of the document, which was damaged in the recovery process.