The most undemanding annuals that will not cause trouble and will continue to grow by themselves. The main thing - to prepare the site and soil for them.
Amaranth. Timeless, resilient flower. Grows in any soil except boggy. Not damaged, virtually no diseases, no pests. Excellent dried flowers for winter bouquets.
Long flowering in June - October. For greater tillering pinch out the tops of young seedlings. Willingly gives seeds.
The marigolds. Seeds germinate in 5-12 days. Fast-growing drought-resistant plant.
Flowering lasts for up to 60-70 days. Cure the earth of nematodes, fungal diseases, has anti-bacterial properties.
Cornflower. On friable and non-acidic soils grow better. Drought-resistant, cold-resistant flower. Seedlings appear within 10 days.
Flowering from July to September. Gives self-seeding.
Sweet peas. Fragrant vine for vertical gardening.
For faster germination the seeds are soaked for a day or two. Seedlings can withstand freezing down to -5oC. Sowing is carried out immediately in a permanent place, does not like transplanting. Flowering 50-60 days.
Morning glory. Fast-growing vine. Used for vertical gardening arbors, fences.
At night the flowers close. Before sowing soak the seeds, sow a few pieces in the "nest", leaving the further one sturdy seedling.
Calendula. Seeds germinate in 10-12 days. The soil prefers non-acidic. Blooms approximately 50 days.
The plant is useful for protecting plants from insect pests and diseases. Valuable medicinal flower. Gives self-seeding.
Cosmos (cosmos bipinnatus). On poor soils and blooms better. Flowering is long, from 70 to 80 days.
Seeds germinate within 10 days. Beautiful delicate foliage well shorn.
Len. Seeds long germinate within three weeks. To soil the plant is not demanding.
Abundant and long flowering lasts about two months.
Limnanthes. The sort of "Sun" is the most common.
Blooms a month after germination. Has fragrant flowers.
Nasturtium. When soaking seeds to germinate faster. Blooms better in poor soil.
Does not like wet areas. Edible medicinal plant. Flowering begins in July and lasts 50-60 days.
Papaver. Sow seeds in a permanent place without a transplant in the early stages (the cold is not afraid). The seeds do not sprinkle the soil, but only rolled down. Seeds germinate in 10-14 days. Gives self-seeding.
Flowering lasts 60-70 days.
Mattiola (night violet). Popular fragrant plant that does not need advertising.
Flowering from June to September. Can be sown in several dates.
Sunflowers. Very showy ornamental species.
The sowing is performed in early spring as soon as the soil warms up. Seedlings appear within two weeks. Blooms up to three months.
Nigella Damascus ("girl in green"). Cold-resistant culture. Better blooms in the light.
The soil prefers non-acidic. Seeds germinate in 10-15 days. The flower has delicate foliage. Flowering 60-70 days.
Zinnia. Planting in warm soil when the threat of frost passes immediately in a permanent place.
Does not like transplanting. Drought-tolerant flower. Loves the sun. Seeds quickly germinate in 4-7 days. Blooms approximately 50 days.