Rest in 2016 in January, February and March

Coming 2016, the year began with the traditional new year holidays, which lasted from 1 to 10 January. Despite the opinion of some representatives of the authorities and the population about what the holidays should be reduced, the majority still happy that the weekend in January is still enough. Quite interesting was the decision as to how to rest in 2016 in February: in recent years, the Day of defender of the Fatherland in the calendar is usually postponed to may or later holidays, and February consisted solely of routine. At this time, February 23, 2016 – day off, and since it is Tuesday, the authorities decided to do weekends and Monday, 22 number, but with the necessary caveat. Saturday, the 20th, is a shortened working day.

In March of this year inhabitants of Russia are traditional mini vacation associated with the celebration of International women's day on 8 March, and this time they will be a little longer. The reason for this again is that March 8 is a Tuesday. The government decided not to skimp, and made Monday, March 7, is also a public holiday. Unlike February, the previous days, March 5 and 6, will be fully output. On Friday, March 4, it is recommended to spend a full day, however, many managers may make it lightweight and to hold a General corporate.

Rest in 2016, may, June, November

April left without holidays: this month, the citizens rejoice already fully achieved in most regions the spring and expect may, which is the second number of holidays in the calendar. In 2016, the rest in may 1, 2 and 3 numbers. Thus, together, Saturday, April 30, citizens will have four days off in a row. Following everyone's favorite holiday, victory Day on 9 may. It's Monday, so there is no surprises. Anyway, if an official holiday follows the usual holidays, it's always handy.

On 13 June the whole country will rest in honor of the Day of Russia, the official date of which is 12. The gala day will be on Monday, which once again surprised by the convenience of the location in 2016 weekends for each other. For example, the presence of the day among the working week would be very uncomfortable for many, as it transferring in the next month. Then begins a long period without holidays from July to November, but the majority of the citizens in time he will leave, school and College holidays, so much to grieve is not necessary.

National unity day in November 2016 falls on Friday, November 4th. At this time, immediately after the public holiday are Saturday and Sunday. Thursday, November 3, the government commits to make reduced working day. Thus, people will have enough time to relax and regain strength at the rainy autumn. After that, you can safely expect the New 2017, especially as of 31 December – a Saturday.