Most often the victims paid subscriptions are smartphone users. Because the Internet uses a SIM card, which is tied to the account of the cellular operator. To subscribe while working at the computer is also possible if access to the Internet using an access point WI-FI from your phone. In both cases, the cell phone number known, so to connect a paid service very easily. Just click on any banner, for example "download" or "watch".

Generally, connecting to a paid service is due to your own carelessness and haste. So I became a subscriber of this website

It was necessary to download a portfolio for a grade 5 student. Worked for a laptop, and Internet access have used a smartphone. Through the search engine moved here to this website and clicked "download."

Then moved on to the next page and pressed "save".

And only later noticed the fine print at the very top, where it was stated subscription costs 30 rubles a day and my consent to connect to this service.

Confirmation of my subscription was SMS message on a smartphone.

In the end, nothing to download failed, and the subscription for 30 rubles per day was designed. Then instead of creating a portfolio I started to look for a safe way to disable a paid subscription.

The SMS message has information on how to unsubscribe. This method of disconnection seemed dangerous, so I decided to go to the website and try to deactivate paid service on it. Select "subscription Management".

Several times I entered my room and clicked on unsubscribe, but in vain. To disable the subscription was only in the personal Cabinet on the website of the operator TELE 2.

To do this, log into your account and select "Manage subscriptions".

This page says that to disconnect, dial *144#. On smartphoen menu appears, select - 6. After that you will get a text message with a list of connected services.

Here is the first SMS – what is connected and how to unsubscribe. For this you need to send message STOP to the number 2317.

Here is a photo where the first SMS subscription connected, then sent a STOP command and an SMS subscription disabled.

For reliability and peace of mind, once more gained command *144# to ensure no subscriptions. The second SMS confirmed it.

Not to get into the network paid subscriptions, take the time to carefully read the documents and do not go to suspicious websites.