You will need
  • quartz resonator;
  • - frequency meter or oscilloscope;
  • - radio;
  • tester;
  • accessories for soldering;
  • - bare copper wire (preferably silver plated);
  • - sverhekonomichny receiver.
Collect one of the proposed schemes. As an indicator of generation of the generator output connect a measuring instrument is provided with a simple detector on a point of a semiconductor diode. If you have a diode rectifier head device, use it. This can be a tester, vacuum tube voltmeter, etc. On the deflection device can be judged on the appearance of generation. With the same purpose, you can apply the oscilloscope. It will be even clearer. The emergence of generation indicates the proper operation of the quartz resonator.
If you want to know the resonance frequency of the quartz resonator, connect the generator output frequency meter or oscilloscope. The latter gives the possibility to determine the frequency using Lissajous figures. Please note that the quartz can be excited as at the fundamental frequency and the harmonics.
If you do not require high measurement accuracy, can use a homemade resonant wavemeter. It is a simple detector receiver, in which instead of the phone included a dial indicator, and a variable capacitor is provided with a scale indicating the frequency. The output of the generator in this case must be an inductor consisting of several turns of bare copper wire. On the occurrence of resonance can be observed at the maximum deflection of the resonant wavemeter, and the frequency - on a scale tuning a variable capacitor. Resonance wavemeter need to pre-calibrate any accurate source of radio signals. Coil resonant circuit can be done interchangeable for different ranges of settings.
To determine the efficiency and approximate resonance frequency of the quartz resonator can be another way. To the pins of the resonator plug in a small coil. It consists of 2-5 turns naked, and best of silvered copper wire. Hold it up to a oscillator circuit working sverhsekretnoj receiver. Adjust the capacitor circuit of the receiver so that the noise of supersale headphones completely gone. In this case, your receiver will be tuned to the resonance frequency of the quartz resonator or to one of its harmonics. This method does not provide high accuracy of measurement. But it gives an indication about the health of the quartz resonator.