Water for watering flowers

Use water for watering plants only in good quality. Acid-base composition should be neutral. It is desirable that the water does not contain harmful impurities such as chlorine, fluorine, salts of heavy metals. For example, the pH of drinking water varies from 6 to 9. Water acidity or pH for watering flowers must be from 5.8 to 6.2. Measure pH by using special tool. Increased or decreased acidity of the water can badly affect the health of the flower and even lead to his death.

Low water hardness is another important indicator of its quality. On the rigidity of the direct influence of calcium and magnesium contained in water. Do not use for watering too hard water. There are several ways to soften the water. First, before the irrigation water it is desirable to stand for 1-2 days. Secondly, hard water should be boiled, then it becomes softer. Third, the use for irrigation is rainwater or snowmelt water. Fourth, podkislit water peat. You can also acidify the water with citric acid. Consumption: 4 grams per 10 liters of water. If funds allow, podkislit water say. Fifth, to soften water, you can use various chemicals. Sixthly, use a water filter that contains ion exchange resin or osmotic membrane.

There is an opinion that flowers should be watered with club soda. It is false. In the mineral water contains carbon dioxide. But the oxygen in it no more than in ordinary water. You need not buy mineral water and ordinary drinking in five-liter plastic bottles.

Some rules for watering flowers

If you don't know when you need to water the flowers, look at the surface of the soil. Dry land suggests that the plant should be watered. Some plants grow well on dry soil. In this case for irrigation, the land should be dry not only on the surface, but somewhat deeper.

Water your plants early in the morning or evening. In the summer watering plants more frequently and in winter less. Remember that each flower is individual the need for watering. For example, tsiperus needs to grow on soil that is constantly too wet. But plants-succulents, on the contrary, in winter, almost no watering.

Never water plants with cold water, only room temperature. Otherwise the plants get sick, they rot the roots that fall off the buds and so on. Use for watering watering can with a narrow spout. With the help of this spout is convenient to get to the roots of the flower. During watering the water jet should be pointing down. The liquid should fill the distance between the edge of the pot and the soil level. After watering, the water should seep into the pan. If not, repeat the watering again. After 30 minutes empty the water tray.

If you sprayed the plant, be careful that it does not get direct sunlight. Water drops on the leaves are like small lenses. They will certainly burn the plants.