The properties of asbestos sheet

Asbestos is mined mainly in Russia and China, the largest deposits are in Canada. The fibers that make up asbestos sheets, do not conduct electricity, so the material used for insulation. Asbestos is not destroyed by ozone and oxygen, and indeed, many chemical effects are not afraid of him. A mineral well is associated with other substances, its melting temperature is very high, so asbestos sheets can be used as heat resistant barrier.

A big disadvantage of the asbestos – in its production emit harmful to the human body dust. However, high-quality labour protection can eliminate this factor. The works, which are already ready sheets of asbestos – insulation, roofing, etc. - safe, because the mineral in ready-made sheets is bound with gypsum, rubber, oil, tar, or various resins.

However, in many countries due to the hazards of the material you prefer not to use it. In the countries of the European Union building materials, including asbestos, banned since 2005. The rest of the world has successfully used asbestos sheets to various industries.

The use of asbestos sheets

Because of their toxicity pure asbestos, of course, is not used. Safe health asbestos sheets represent a combination of asbestos fibers with other substances. For example, asbestine-steel materials are perforated wire frame, which is applied asbolutely paper with a graphite surface. Such sheets are cut, special pads of different sizes, which are used in manufacturing and repairing cars. They are resistant to high temperatures, elastic, insensitive to combustion products, as well as the impact of gasoline or diesel fuel.

Another popular material based on asbestos fiber asbestocement, which is widely used in various industries. It consists of chrysolite. Asbestocement used in energy, automotive and mechanical engineering as insulating material. Material that is marked as "KAON" is a high heat resistance. The abbreviation "KAON" stands for "leaflet. This Board is used in devices that operate in aggressive alkaline, gas, organic environments. It is also used for insulation in high, up to 500 ° C, temperatures.