Job search is a job, too. Approach it with all seriousness. Post your resume on at least five sites for job search (among them should be,, Update it every day so it's always been one of the first to the employer. Send to all employers who at least theoretically can be interesting for you. Don't be afraid to seem a little annoying, you also need to find a job quickly. Moreover, applicants for good jobs is always a lot.
Pay attention to your CV - make it short but informative. Describe your achievements at past jobs, additional education, internships. Resume should represent you in the best way.
Every time you send a resume, don't forget to write a cover letter. It represents "a short retelling of your resume, because HR managers do not always have time to review all submitted resumes. The purpose of this letter is to draw attention to your resume. Therefore, in addition to "a recap" where you studied and worked and what you know you need to justify why you drew attention to this company and want to work in it. Show your awareness, for example, if a foreign company, write that you are attracted to the multicultural environment that you would like to improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The cover letter is very important appeal: it is desirable to start with an impersonal "dear company, it is better to mention the name of the company.
Use connections - friends and relatives. Be sure to call them and ask, not looking for whether the company in which they work, a specialist of your profile? Shy is not worth it, because each of us can be in situation when he needs to find a job.
Don't forget about job fairs - these take place regularly. Chance to find a job in them is low, but it's worth a try, especially if you have free time.
The Internet should not be limited only to sites for job search. Make a list of successful companies in which you would like to work and browse their websites. Many companies post on their websites jobs. It is also worth to visit the forums frequented by professionals in your field, because there is also sometimes post jobs.
Prepare for each interview: at least, to go to the website of the company that invited you to the interview and see what she does. The candidate who doesn't care where you work, may seem uninteresting.
If the job search is still delayed, or if you did not very good, and even questionable offer, do not rush to accept it only for the money. Almost any field can earn at home - at least a modest life. Those who know foreign language, you can take a transfer to the house, those who write, can do copywriting, etc. If you are a long time can not find a suitable job, it is better to take a small part time job and looking for work in the future. Thus, you will have funds, and you will be able to find suitable work for some time.