Under intestinal colic usually mean stomach problems: bloating, gas, etc. to Determine they are or not, can be fairly simple principle: well-fed and clean a baby cries more than 3 hours a day more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks. Colic usually starts in children when they turn 2 weeks and continue to an average of 3 months. However, there are cases when the cramps lasted longer. The colic affects both boys and girls without any restrictions.As well as no matter what the child on account of seniority, nationality, etc., the Appearance of colic associated with the imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract in children.

That becomes the cause of colic

Doctors still have not come to common opinion what causes intestinal colic in children. Therefore, in each specific case it is necessary to consider the situation individually. Among the most common reasons cited by different factors. To blame the immaturity of the digestive system of the child. Because the digestive tract is just learning to digest food, and in this regard, there are various failures and problems. The muscles responsible for digestion, even can not work properly to move food through the intestines. In addition, microorganisms also have not docotral for proper digestion is not enough of probiotics.

Another cause of excessive gas in infants is improper feeding mothers. For example, if a woman has large quantities of foods that cause fermentation in the stomach - grape, brew, etc - this easily leads to problems with the stomach of the child. After all, mother's milk to the child moves almost all the micronutrients and gas-forming substances.

An upset tummy can occur on the background of ingestion of air by the baby during suckling. Excess air looking for an exit and turns into excess gases, bloated tummy.

It is thought that the immaturity of the nervous system can also cause colic. Kid gets scared of unfamiliar people, sounds, situations, that is manifested by increased anxiety and neuroses. As a result of nervous disorders lose processes, which govern the digestion and leads to colic.

Try to analyze what could cause problems with the tummy of your baby and eliminate these causes.

Lechenich colic baby

Remember that the treatment itself, i.e. the drug, is not required. However, the process of getting rid of colic must be comprehensive and coherent. First and foremost you need to assess the situation in the family - do not overload if you your child a large number of guests, not nervous whether the mother, etc.

Also the mother should learn the proper latch baby to the breast. Pay attention to the grip. The child should completely cover the nipple with her mouth. The more you eat, the mouth can not open fully as it leads to excessive swallowing of air. If the child is on artificial feeding, you need to choose the right mix. It's better to consult a pediatrician.

Mothers whose children are breastfeeding, you need to very carefully monitor their diet. Will have to limit yourself to foods that cause flatulence cabbage, white bread, beans, Mayo, tomatoes, etc. However, you need to ensure that power remains maximally full. You should not get upset because these restrictions are temporary, and later you can return to a familiar lifestyle and nutrition.

To ease the baby during colic helps heat. It's enough to put on baby's tummy warm heating pad or compress. Alternatively, you can use your own hand. Very good for a gentle massage of the tummy, which is carried out in a circle clockwise. It is also recommended you frequently put the baby on his tummy.

But the recommendation for discharging the gases via a gas outlet tube are in dispute. Some believe that this is a great option that allows you to ease the child's condition almost instantly. Others argue that this way can only harm the intestines will start to be lazy himself to take gas, resulting in period cramps can be significantly lengthened.

With regard to the proposed means, the type of gripe water and other analogues, doctors also can not come to a common opinion. Some believe that it relieves tension in the gut. Others claim that it is all totally useless. In any case, the effectiveness of these drugs can only be tested in practice. However, it is impossible to assign them, use them only after prior consultation with the doctor.