How to hide audio recordings of "Vkontakte" from all users?

If you don't want other people had available a list of songs that you have added to your playlist, you can easily hide them. To do this, log on to their page in this social network, using the username and password you specified at registration. You will see a window in the center of which is your main picture to the right basic information about you, and on the left menu, containing such sections as "My page", "My message", "My friends", "My videos", "My music", "My groups", "My pictures", "My app", "My settings", "Documents".

Click on the words "My settings". This way you will be able to open the window, the top of which will notice the tab "General", "Privacy", "Warning", "blacklist", "Mobile services", "Balance". Open the second tab by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

Now here is a window in which there are sections of "My page", "Records per page", "contact me", "Other". In the first section, select the inscription, "Who sees a list of my audio recordings", placed next to the button "All users". Click on it and in the opened list select "Only me".

Some people believe that you can keep your audio another way. They go to the "My settings", find the "General" tab. There appear the following paragraphs: "Additional services", "Settings " walls", "Change password", "Your email Address" "Your phone Number", "Your page", "Address Your page", "Regional settings", "appearance Settings".

In the first paragraph are the services that are displayed in the menu on the left side of your page. Users will find the button "My music" and clean out the tick. However, such action to hide the list of songs impossible. You just remove the access to the playlist from the main menu, but the record is still open.

How to hide audio recordings of "Vkontakte" from some users?

If you want your audio was available not only to you but to some other users perform the same operation, but when you click on the button "All users", select one of the buttons, "All but", "Some friends", "friends Only", "Selected from a list of friends, Friends and friends of friends."