Introducing a child's diet carrot juice, should take care of its quality. The baby should be fed only natural, fresh juice, without preservatives and dyes. You must carefully select raw materials to make juice. Vegetables sold in supermarkets, not always can be used to power the crumbs. Blackened carrots with a bitter taste should not be used to make juice for the baby. The best option would be raw from my grandmother's garden, the cleanliness and the quality of which is not in doubt.
Start feeding better in the summer or autumn, when large quantities of fresh chemicals and raw vegetables. But if the beginning of the introduction of drinks had in the winter, it is better to give preference to the juices of industrial production intended for baby food. They are made from high quality raw materials, age grading allows you to choose a juice suitable to the peculiarities of the digestion of the baby.
To teach a child to juice carrots should be gradually. Ideally, familiarity with it the crumbs must occur in the womb. In the diet of pregnant women must include carrot juice. Nursing mothers should also drink carrot juice, saturating breast milk essential vitamins.
Enter the carrot juice directly into the food, the baby may be 5-6 months, when the child's body will start to produce enzymes necessary for the assimilation of new product. It is impossible to give the baby carrot juice in concentrated form, it should be diluted half boiled water.
The first introduction of complementary foods should be given one-component juice. You should start with half a teaspoon. By the age of 10-12 months, gradually increase the amount of juice to 100 ml. Then carrot juice can be diluted by other nectars. The kids love carrot-Apple and carrot-pumpkin juice. But the most useful is the freshly made carrot-beet cocktail.
To make juice kids should not use a juicer. Since the thus prepared juice contains a large amount of pulp and the baby wakes up it's hard to swallow. It is better to grate carrots on the fine grater and squeeze it through cheesecloth. So the juice will come out clean, without solid particles.
Carrot juice is the most useful. It has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes digestion, improves appetite. Carrot juice is just necessary for proper growth and development of children from the first year of life.