Similar symptoms

Both these diseases have some identical symptoms of the disease. Especially clearly this fact is manifested in the initial stage. It is therefore very important to know the difference between chicken pox measles to promptly and correctly diagnose the disease, because sometimes it must be done before going to a specialist.

First of all the measles virus and the chickenpox manifests in a sharp increase in body temperature. The person feels malaise, muscle weakness, headache, nausea. The second important symptom is the appearance of red rash on body, face, head and mucous membranes. Often it is accompanied by severe itching and a burning sensation spreads quickly through the body, forming new foci of inflammation. Within a few days both diseases there is a rapid aggravation and deterioration of General health of the patient.

The main differences

Despite the similarity of symptoms, the differences between these two diseases still exist. The basic and main feature differences from measles chicken pox is the timing of the incubation period. At the windmill he leaves from 10 days to 3 weeks, CORI - not more than 14 days.

The rashes can also vary. When the initial chicken pox pink spots on the body rapidly grow into small bubbles, which gradually dries, forming a crust on its surface, and disappear, yielding place to new. At a push they may appear painful sensations and severe itching. Measles is characterized by the appearance of pink spots, primarily on the mucous membranes, for example, in the throat. In the early stages of the disease the sky can be painted in an unnatural pink color. For three days the spots spread throughout the human body and do not leave virtually any "clean" places. Perhaps the appearance of sore throat and inflammation of the tonsils.

Good to know

Not less significant difference from chickenpox measles is a high fever and spotting. In the case of chickenpox, rashes on the body are observed simultaneously with the occurrence of high temperature. When measles pink and red spots appear not earlier than three days after the onset of heat and deterioration of health.

In any case, the final diagnosis should always put specialist, because each patient has its own characteristics of the organism, and therefore, symptoms can vary and not match the overall scheme.