The main causes of injuries incompatible with life are traffic accident, fall from height industrial grass, electric shocks, stab and gunshot wounds. Such injuries substantially impaired one or more vital organs.

Head injury, incompatible with life

The brain regulates all body organs, damage can be so significant that further resuscitation is ineffective, and the person dies. It is considered that only open craniocerebral trauma incompatible with life. However, closed injuries can cause depression of the respiratory center or an inability to maintain blood pressure. With blunt head trauma hematoma, swelling and compress the brain, clog the medulla oblongata in the foramen Magnum. To assess the extent of damage this body can, using a scale of Glasgow, as the severity of external injuries does not always correspond with the true picture of what is happening.

1. Eye opening (spontaneous twink ─ 4, opening eyes to voice ─ 3, opening eyes as a reaction to the pain ─ 2, no reaction ─ 1).
2. Motor response (coordinated movement in response to a command ─ 6, the movement as a reaction to a stimulus ─ 5, movement as a reaction to the pain ─ 4, abnormal flexion response to pain-is 3, pathologic extension as a reaction to the pain ─ 2, the lack of movement ─1);
3. Voice reaction (the victim is oriented to place, time and space, clearly answers questions ─ 5, it is confused, orientation is disturbed ─ 4, the victim disoriented, simple questions like "What time of the year finds it difficult to answer or gives the wrong answer-is 3, speech is impaired until the inarticulate sounds ─ 2, it is missing ─ 1).

The result in 15 points-clear consciousness, 13-14 points ─ the victim is stunned, 9-12 points ─ stupor, 4-8 points ─ coma of varying severity, 3 points-brain death.

Chest injuries incompatible with life

With stab and gunshot wounds often occurs hemo - and pneumothorax. A particularly dangerous condition where the air freely enters the pleural cavity, and can not leave it. Lung injury, especially concussion and hemorrhage leads to razmozjenia tissue of this body, and therefore, artificial ventilation is ineffective. Even when time begun and adequate therapy the percentage of deaths is very high.

Contusion of the heart, especially with rupture of the heart bag is a trauma incompatible with life. Skilled surgical care should be provided within 10-15 minutes. Cardiac tamponade, often found in wounds, is a condition where the blood supplied to the cavity of the heart bag, does not allow the muscle to contract normally. Heart just stops beating. Gunshot and stab wounds of the heart are often incompatible with life. However, this depends on many factors: the possibility of an emergency to provide surgical care, localization and the nature of the injury, individual to individual.

Thermal and other injuries incompatible with life

When damage to large arteries, the bleeding is so extensive that the victim dies within hours. Thus, a wound of the femoral artery causes death in 10 minutes. In combined injuries, especially crush bones, a possible blockage of the vessels by fragments of bone marrow. Death occurs within half an hour. Air embolism is one of the most dangerous complications. The ambient air is sucked into a large vessel and clog it.

Hypothermia and deep frostbite large areas of the body often, even if the assistance provided leads to death. This also applies to extensive burns ─ patients are assisted, but due to acute renal failure comes death. The effect of the current can cause cardiac arrest without the possibility to run its activity, often with the shocks and lightning strikes burns happen until charring.

Pronounced pain shock itself that causes death, as is blocked, the respiratory center and the ability to maintain blood pressure.

The most common household injury is incompatible with life is a blockage of the upper respiratory tract. Assistance should be provided within 4-6 minutes, otherwise, the victim dies of acute respiratory failure.

The destruction of the brain, multiple fractures of the spine and amputation torso, multiple associated injuries, open injuries of the abdomen with rupture of the intestine and separation of the organs ─ such grass is often called incompatible with life.

The feasibility of providing resuscitation procedures determined by the medical staff.