The slope in the South direction can be created artificially, it is the temperature of soil and air will be 1-2°C higher than in the environment that has a positive effect on the yield of cucumber. As the scenes are planted tall-growing crops — sunflowers, maize, potatoes or beans.

Site preparation

The soil should be dug down to 25-30 cm in autumn, if it is clayey and heavy, add peat, compost, sawdust and chopped straw. To get the highest yield of cucumber, the soil density should be around 0.3-0.8 g/ cm3. In heavy soil the roots will not go deep, it will come out close to the surface and to wither away because of sharp fluctuations of moisture content. It is desirable to pass freely into the soil, and the water leaked out, leaving the surface of the puddles.

It is recommended to arrange the beds across the slope with a slight slope to the South, so the sun's rays will be perpendicular to touch its surface, and the yield will be 20-30% higher. Make the beds no wider than 1 m and a height of 20-30 cm For two weeks before sowing fertilizers — 30-40 g of superphosphate 15-20 g of potassium sulfate and 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m. In acidic soil you need to add wood ash or lime in the amount of 30-40 g/sq. m., after which all carefully mix to create a smooth surface and watered.

Planting and care

Cucumber seeds are sown from late may to early June. Before sowing, it is desirable to heat at 60°C for two hours and then for 12 hours, placed in a solution prepared from 10 g of potassium nitrate, 0.2 g of manganese sulfate, 5 g of double superphosphate and 1 liter of water. The swollen seeds should be sown together with dry. In case of death of early germination they will be replaced at a later of dry seed.

After sowing it is not recommended to water the cucumbers, since water can displace the air necessary for germination. Seeds are placed in furrows at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, between the grooves should leave about 50 cm planting Depth is 1-2 cm amount of seed on 1 sq. m. is approximately 0.5 g. If the soil is dry before sowing it should be watered, and then sprinkle with loose soil, with a mixture of compost with sawdust or peat.

When sprouts appear, it is necessary to monitor the condition of plants and soil moisture. If the leaves become limp, in the evening the cucumber water with a temperature of 20-25°C at the rate of 1.5-2 l/sq. m. At the closing of the plants thinned by removing the weakest. In the period of fructification of the earth should be wet more often, increasing water consumption to 2.5-3 l/sq. m. With the correct dressing of the soil cucumbers do not need fertilizing, but at a lower temperature recommend to apply any nitrogen fertilizer the rate of 5-10 g per 10 liters of water.