Feng Shui master recommended to place the nursery in the Eastern part of the apartment or house. Moreover, for calm of the child the bed is better to put near the Eastern wall, and for active and rolling – West.

Children need an enormous amount of energy. In Feng Shui it is believed that the most intense energy in two places - in the room closest to the entrance to the apartment, and in its center. Well, if children's will be located next to the bedroom of the parents, it will give the child a sense of confidence and security.

The size of the room should match the age and height. Too large baby may cause a feeling of uncertainty, and little will be "pushing" the child.

From the point of view of Feng-Shui is not recommended to install bunk beds, because energy will counteract preventing good rest and sleep.

Desk in the children's room, as indeed in any other, must be positioned so that those sitting behind him saw the incoming, i.e., was facing the door.

According to Feng Shui, the furniture must be new. If finances allow to buy only second hand items interior, it is necessary to have the previous owner had no problems with health.

For a child's room favorable bright colors. For example, Wallpaper with pictures or ornaments, posters and posters. For girls, more suitable for Feng Shui are considered warm colors (beige, orange), and for boys – cool (gray, green, blue).

Besides all the above, the nursery must apply the traditional rules of Feng Shui. First and foremost is the maintenance of cleanliness and order. On the Desk and the bed of the child should not be sent to the sharp corners of furniture, also they should not be placed under ceiling beams.