What are the chances of getting infected

A condom is the best way to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, particularly HIV, but not perfect. The perfect method is, unfortunately, simply does not exist. If your partner is infected, the risk of infection, engaging in a regular sex throughout the year, is on the order of 10% is quite a lot. In the case of a single contact, the risk is much less, but it is.

It is important to note that the quality condom protects against the virus, but in its application there are various unforeseen accidents: it can break, slip off, and so on. These accidents usually lead to infection.

The most effective against various infections condoms made from latex. The most dangerous are products made from organic material treated in a special way the guts of sheep. This is a pretty exotic form of condoms, but it is quite common in some areas. These products practically do not protect from any infections. Latex is thin, but more dense membrane, the virus is not able to overcome it.

The reliability of condoms to protect against HIV is a serious topic for many studies throughout the world. It is believed that protection occurs with 85% probability or higher. Manufacturers of condoms also conduct their research, they usually show better results. According to them, the condom will protect you 97%.

The use of condoms

It is important to note that a significant part of the problem of condoms is improper use, it reduces protection sometimes by 30%! In the worst case, the condom simply breaks.

Be sure to carefully study the instructions in the condom and train to wear it even before intercourse. Some human errors lead to catastrophic consequences. For example, sometimes inexperienced users of condoms for better protection put on two products at once. In any case, it is impossible to do so!

It is recommended to use a condom with a germicidal lubricant, it reduces the risk of Contracting any disease.

HIV in Russia

Worldwide the most popular way to get HIV is unprotected sex. In Russia the majority of people (78,6%) acquired the disease through injection – when sharing intravenous drug use. Sex are in second place.