How useful walnut

The fruit of this plant is very much useful and beneficial for the body's fats, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients. Not to mention the fabulous taste, providing walnut its place in the cooking of many countries and peoples.

Especially a lot of nuts this type of vitamin C, the content of which in the green stage of maturity can reach up to 300 milligrams. The figure in the contents of ascorbic acid puts walnuts even higher currants and rose hips.

Other vitamins of these fruits – A, B1, B2 and B3, acid – nicotinic and folic. In green shell of walnuts is also large amounts of tannins that possess valuable antibacterial properties. The combination of all these qualities and makes walnuts are especially in the green stage, a great ingredient to prepare liqueurs, compotes, jams and much more.

Recipes tinctures

The methods of preparing therapeutic and prophylactic drink from green walnut quite a lot. The simplest recipe involves using 15-20 grams of the crushed fruit, half a liter of alcohol, which must be placed in a container of dark glass and put in a warm but shaded and ventilated place for about 2-3 weeks. In the future, and revitalizing the recommended intake of this infusion is about 25-30 ml a day after meals.

During the "maturation" of the fluid should not be afraid of darkening, as it is a natural effect of being in a nut shell, pigments. You can substitute the alcohol is a good vodka.

With the latter serves a slightly different technology healthy drink. Elastic and not solid green nuts need to be cut into 4 pieces, put in a dark jar and pour the vodka. A tincture should be stored for about a month, during which it will Mature, and the nuts will give the liquid their nutrients. At the expiration of the deadline, finished the vodka you can pour and consume, and the nuts re-pour again.

Another but very important point – it is not necessary to chop the walnuts and leaving them without liquid, as this product is very quickly oxidized and spoiled. The observance of a few rules will help you to prepare a tasty and aromatic drink with a thin, slightly balsamic odor and a rich beautiful color dark chestnut. Moreover, the shelf life in correct conditions, this customization is not limited.