Temperature and humidity

For incubation take fresh eggs, five to seven day shelf life. The shell must be smooth, without cracks, the egg is the right shape. The percentage of vyvodyaschy Chicks is high, the embryos are transferred short-term overheating or excessive cooling.

Incubation of chicken eggs takes 21 days, in a tray they are stacked vertically, set the temperature, it needs to be close to the natural conditions in which the displays of chickens, a hen – of 37.8°C. the last 3 days the temperature is lowered by 0.3 degrees. The level of humidity in the first days – 80% during the next 8 days set 70-75%, the next period is 50%. Starting from the 5th day, the eggs cool for 15 minutes once a day, on the 19th day cooling off. The temperature in the closet in the last 2 days support of 37.5 degrees, humidity 68%. Temperature and humidity is determined using thermometers. To increase the humidity put on the floor of the incubator containers with water.

Monitoring of embryo development

An effective way of monitoring the development of the embryo − candling to the candling. On day 5 you can see the blood mesh on the yolk after 10 days of incubation, clearly visible dark spot in the center of the egg. On the 19th day you can see almost the already-formed chicken.

Material several times during the incubation browsing and do a re-sort. Eggs without embryos to the light greenish color with dead embryos have black content, live embryos are highlighted pink. After rearrange the remaining eggs with embryos returned to lead the Cabinet, placed the blunt end up.

Prokleto shell, you can judge the quality of incubation. If satisfactory mode line prokleta pass around the circumference of the egg, in its widest part. When excess moisture of the chicken will shell, but won't hatch, because it is wet, sticky, eggshell adhere to it. With a lack of humidity procli observed in the middle part of the egg. Podkolodny shell dry, durable, chicken to free.

During the withdrawal of the trays should be covered with gauze to Chicks fell out over the edge. At the beginning of the withdrawal it is necessary every two hours to check the incubator and remove alcohlic chickens. The results of incubation are considered to be good if the output is 80% of the laid eggs. About the poor quality of the eggs or of the violation of the incubation, indicated by the large number of eggs with blood ring. If the eggs were laid stale for a long time was stored before incubation, the likelihood is high that the embryos die at an early stage.