In Latin "Demodex" means "worm." Unfortunately, this parasite lives up to its name: Demodex is really similar to a worm. It was first discovered in 1841.

Looks like subcutaneous mite

Demodex is microscopic, therefore the parasite cannot be seen with the naked eye. Its dimensions are only 0.2-0.5 mm. Moving on the surface of the skin, it can cause a little titillation. Its parasitic activities it activates in the evening.

Favourite localization of the Demodex - ears and the skin of the face, namely the eyelids, forehead, brow area, chin, nasolabial folds. Sometimes it affects the eyes, causing Demodex blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis.

The mite feeds on sebum and dead skin scales. Its waste products can cause allergic reactions - itching, redness and irritation of the skin.

The presence of Demodex on the skin is normal and not a pathology. This mite is contained in the sebum of a healthy person, and cause discomfort only in the event when it begins rapidly to increase its colony, that is, multiply rapidly. In such circumstances, there is demodicosis.

How is infection with demodicosis

Infection with demodicosis occurs primarily by direct contact, rarely through bedding or clothes. There are cases of Demodex when inserting the cleaning person in the cabin.

According to statistics, about 90% of people in the world are carriers of subcutaneous mites, but demodectic mange can occur only in cases of impaired immunity, pregnancy, metabolic disorders, during times of stress.

The aggravation of this disease often happens in the autumn. The reason for that weathered the summer heat, which makes the skin more oily. In addition, over the summer received a fair share of ultraviolet undermines the local immunity of the skin and helps to increase the number of subcutaneous mites.

Symptoms and diagnosis.

Most of the acne leads to inflammation of the follicles of the skin that involves the appearance of small pustules on the skin in the form of pustules or papules. They are located at the exit point of the hair. When demodicosis century there is itching, swelling and redness, the appearance of white scales at the roots of the lashes.

To confirm the diagnosis a dermatologist in a mandatory manner sends on a skin scraping. To identify the tick can also be taken eyelashes. Before taking biomaterial not to wash for 48-72 hours. Otherwise the result of the study may be unreliable. A skin scraping taken using a scalpel. After that, the biomaterial examined under a microscope.

Treatment of demodicosis

Demodicosis is considered chronic. To cure it in a few days will not work. The female mite makes a clutch for the development of which required 25 days. That is why the course of treatment for demodicosis is at least a month, maximum a year, and sometimes more. The duration of therapy is dependent on the extent of the disease and the clinical picture.

As a rule, the cause of demodectic mange are diseases of the endocrine and immune systems. For this reason, preparations from subcutaneous mite must be assigned holistically, that is, the physician selects medications for both outdoor and indoor use.

Russian dermatologists for outdoor use prescribed for the demodicosis special mash, the main components of which are sulfur, metronidazole and boric alcohol, hydrochloric acid, benzyl benzoate, tar. In parallel, the doctor prescribes vitamins, antibiotics and Immunostimulants. The purpose of these drugs is the prerogative of the attending physician.

In addition, when the demodicosis is recommended diet sweet, salty, fatty, too hot, and alcoholic beverages. Also necessary needs beauty care that is clean skin thoroughly from surplus sebum. Treatment may be supplemented by physiotherapy treatments: cryo, ozone therapy, mesotherapy.