The signs that indicate what needs to be checked for worms, may be different. Sometimes they even look like the common cold or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. About the settlement of the parasites in the body may indicate periodic itching sensations in the anal area, sudden weight loss, or, conversely, a rapid increase in body mass. Constant irregular bowel movement (constipation or diarrhea), flatulence (flatulence, bloating) - all this, too, is a sign of helminthiasis.
On the presence of intestinal worms can speak various allergic reactions, rashes, acne, hives, eczema appears on the body. Nervous condition, insomnia, frequent awakening at night grinding in sleep teeth. Also symptoms can be lethargy, weakness, nausea, drowsiness and other symptoms similar to the symptoms of intoxication.
It is worth noting that the signs of the emergence of worms directly related to their views. For example, the best known disease is caused by parasites enterobiasis, pinworms which provoke (small round worms), parasitic in the intestine. The main symptom of this disease is still the same itching in the anus, loss of appetite, abdominal pain.
Worms roundworm cause the disease ascariasis. They differ in that their eggs ripen only in the land, and infected them is only through the objects. From person to person, the eggs are transferred. Once in the intestine, Ascaris eggs turn into larvae which gnaw through the wall and enter the blood. With its current spread throughout the body, but are deposited, usually on the lungs and liver, where it is developing and growing, thus causing great harm to the health. The symptoms of this disease are various, they depend on where the larvae are, what is their stage of development. About Ascaris deposited in the lungs, says a long persistent cough, constant bouts of shortness of breath, a systematic increase in temperature. If the patient has pain and heaviness in the stomach, no appetite, losing weight, constant feeling of weakness, fatigue, then roundworm attacked the intestines. Pain in the right upper quadrant sign that the parasite has settled in the liver.