You will need
  • - cut tape, cord, thick thread
  • centimeter
  • - suitable ring
  • pencil
  • - a sheet of paper
On the size of the ring is affected by two factors: the thickness of the finger on which you wear the ring, and the estimated width of the ring – whether it is a thin ring or wide ring.
The ideal way to determine the correct ring size is to visit the nearest jewelry store and try on a sample-measuring instrument. Usually professional goldsmiths there are two sets of standard rings – thin, about 3 mm, and for rings of a width exceeding 8 mm. If you want a wide ring, and the second tester in the store was not by chance, it is better to add to the resulting size, even half size.
If you want to find out your size at home, take a piece of thick ribbon, cord or thread. Tightly wrap it around the finger, but do not tighten, cut at the joints, or mark it with a Sharpie. Attach the segment to the line. You get the circumference of the ring, and we need the diameter. Will have to remember the school geometry course and to divide the resulting number by 3.14. Pochivshaya the number is the Russian size of your ring.
Also can be applied that suits your ring to a piece of paper, circle it with a pencil inside and measure the diameter. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that we have not only different on the circumference of the fingers on one hand, but size and the same fingers on right and left arm may differ.
In Russia, the ring size is inner diameter. European size – the length of the inner circumference. In order to know your European size, enough Russian or multiply by 3.14, or, if you don't know Russian, just measure as described above, the finger, but do not forget about possible errors.
Compliance with Russian and European size British, American and Japanese need to look at special tables.