The profile is the ID of each user. Depending on the type and form of program profiles contain a variety of information. Usually it is a page with a branched structure, providing the ability to navigate to different sections and edit information about yourself.

Browsers, through which you access the Internet in the user profile that contain your bookmarks, files, mail and news address book, account settings, saved passwords and some other information including security credentials.

Communication in the blogosphere also leads to the creation of a personal profile. Each publishing under his nickname of the message, has the ability to configure a profile for that nickname and provide a lot of information to the visitors of the page. For example, a photograph, date of birth. Publish e-mail addresses leads to the fact that a user opens your life to an outside website or a community; it suggests a willingness to communicate.

Profiles are created to enable any member of the program or the website had the opportunity to talk about themselves the information that he is ready to provide an undefined range of people. The story is about Hobbies, favorite music, areas of interest that brings people together and helps them to find accomplices in the vast web. The telephones and area of residence leads to a convergence of strangers, the beginning of the communication.

In addition to personal information, the profiles have settings and the possibility of change. So in the blog you can change the background color or the entire design style, to customize the privacy for each published message, and more. Profile settings in the browser are responsible for the safety of your computer, and the ability to change the contents of bookmarks and news files.