Many jewelry shops provide all standard services for the repair, but to change, and especially to reduce the size of the ring should be all the same deliberately. You need to:
To study the surface of the ring, because if it is smooth, then increase it can be even 3 sizes, but rings with different cuts and stones can't be resized.
To know the exact diameter of the finger on which you will be wearing this decoration, and its original size. Find time to visit any salon jewelry and try there samples sizes.
To try the samples you need when the hands are edematous, which may be caused due to hot weather, during illness, after exercise. Otherwise, you can make a mistake with the size.
You should learn more about jewelry shops that make different repair products. Prices for such services should not be too high. Use the recommendations of friends and advisers salons and consider several options.
Consult with two or three masters and find out about the upcoming procedure. To reduce the size of the ring can be compression that is suitable for products with a smooth surface. Uniform compression from all sides will help to avoid strain and provide the correct form. Another way is to cut the piece of metal that is subject to the availability of notches. Few are taken for the reduction of the ring engraved, which can be damaged.
If cutting metal can not be avoided, then it must be done near the sample, where it will be most unnoticed.
Remember that the repair of platinum occurs only on more expensive special equipment that can not afford all the workshops.
Stop the choice on the jewelry shop, where you talk about all kinds of risks and provide a guarantee of qualitative execution.