How to quit Smoking: sharply or gradually, it's hard to tell. It all depends on the physiological peculiarities of the organism of the smoker, Smoking history and age. Of course, if smoker advanced age and great experience, then abruptly drop to dangerous not only for health but also for life. This is due to the fact that smoker's nicotine global takes part in the metabolism. If sharply to pull out of the process of one substance, you can disturb the entire metabolism, particularly dangerous in adulthood.
And yet, if we consider the average smoker who is in the dawn of years, as it is better to give up bad habits: abruptly or gradually?

Quit Smoking gradually. Arguments

Most ex-smokers, even with little experience, argues that it is best to quit gradually. Nicotine, participating in metabolism, strongly influences many factors. Probably, many noticed that in the initial stages of Smoking, people begin to lose weight. This is linked to the acceleration of the metabolism. All smokers know how nicotine calms the nervous system, increases resistance to stress, stabilizes the emotions. Over time the body gets used to this kind of support from outside, and to deprive him of such "doping" without consequences is impossible.

So as not to intervene in the established processes, that is, not to reduce the effect of nicotine on brain receptors, it is necessary to give up Smoking slowly. It is important to find a way to have fun in other natural ways. Some prefer to play sports, to relax in the pool, walk in the fresh air.

It is worth noting that the gradual process of quitting Smoking is complex and its implementation requires strength of will and character.
For those who decide to quit Smoking gradually, invented many methods, aimed at mitigating the process. Most of them have step by step instruction to be followed day after day. This helps to immerse the body in deep
stress, gradually returning to the process of metabolism the natural course.

Quit Smoking abruptly. Arguments

However, there are proponents of a sharp transition to a healthy lifestyle. According to them, man is able to say "no" to nicotine at any age. The main thing – to want and to be ready to suffer the first few days of withdrawal pains. In those days, they recommend constantly to do something, not to be distracted by thoughts about cigarette. It can be as mental activity and physical work.

Men in this case is easier, because they have the body can completely be cleaned from nicotine in just two or three months. An active lifestyle speeds up the cleaning process.

Indeed, dramatically easier to quit Smoking, as the gradual weaning is necessary for several weeks to reduce the dose of nicotine. And it's hard. With a sharp refusal from harmful habits enough to say "no" to cigarettes and all.

If we consider the process from the point of view of physiology, when a sharp withdrawal from nicotine the body receives a lot of stress. As mentioned above, changing the metabolism, which can lead to serious consequences.


Clearly answer the question of how best to quit Smoking: sharply or gradually, can not. In each case must be approached individually. However, it is worth remembering that nicotine is involved in the metabolism and when you stop Smoking, the body will be under stress. With a sharp refusal from Smoking the stress will be much stronger. But the craving for cigarettes will be faster.