As a rule, the consequence of pneumonia pretty much depends on what stage of disease development was initiated medical therapy. In that case, if there was a small lesion, it is possible to get rid of the disease quickly enough and without showing any consequences.

When the diagnosis of the patient's extensive pneumonia (total, bilateral) this disease threat such serious complications, such as asthma, pulmonary edema, respiratory disorders, lung abscess, pleurisy, chronic pain in the thoracic region. In the end, due to lack of oxygen to the tissues and cells of the body can develop lung and then heart failure.

Since pneumonia is an infectious disease, then it delayed treatment can lead to blood poisoning. Besides, there are other possible consequences of such illness: gangrene, acute pulmonary heart, pericarditis, toxic shock, anemia, endocarditis, psychosis.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia

The main symptoms of pneumonia include: painful symptoms of the fever; shortness of breath, like during exercise and at rest; the presence of strong cough with copious expectoration of phlegm. In addition, patients may feel discomfort and pain in the thoracic spine. As a rule, in patients with pneumonia there sweating, decreased performance, General weakness and malaise, sleep disturbance, fatigue and decreased appetite. When listening to the patient over the seat of inflammation, the doctor observes the rales of various kinds. In the elderly along with the above symptoms may be signs of General intoxication.

How to treat pneumonia

Undoubtedly, the main treatment for pneumonia is the use of antibacterial drugs. In addition, the purpose of a tool with the required dosage should be performed only by a physician based on the clinical features of pneumonia, the patient's age and presence of comorbidities.

Modern medicine has quite an extensive list of antibiotics used for treating pneumonia: "Macroben", "Summoned", "Vilprafen", "Amoxiclav", "Augmentin", "Cefazolin", "Klaforan". The average duration of therapy is 10 days. Coughing mandatory, it is recommended the use of expectorants to thin phlegm. The most popular are drugs such as: "Mucosolvan", "ACC", "Bromhexine". In that case, if you have shortness of breath, it is advisable to apply such an inhalation means: "Flomax", "Salbutamol". In severe pneumonia appoint an immunomodulatory therapy. This intravenously administered the following drugs: "Octagam", "Intraglobin", "Polyoxidonium". In the case of increasing of body temperature requires the use of antipyretics.