You will need
- Hydrogen peroxide, seeds, water.
Soak seeds in the prepared solution of hydrogen peroxide of different concentrations, prepared with distilled water. The ambient temperature must be 26oC.
Then sprouted seeds should be rinsed with distilled water, to give rise to the same temperature and planted in the open ground.
Seeds treated with hydrogen peroxide, sprout for a day or two before. The number of germinated seeds in 1.5-3 times more than without treatment. After planting in the ground often grow plants with more developed root system, tall stems, fleshy leaves.
The soaking time varies for different seeds are different, on average 6-9 hours.
The concentration of the solution and the time spent in the solution depends on the thickness of the seed coat. The thicker the shell, the higher the concentration and longer need to lie to the seeds in the solution. For example melon is enough solution in 1 litre of water 0,002 peroxide and soak for 6 hours, while for the beans in 1 liter of water 2 grams of peroxide and soak for 9 hours.