Characteristics of the disease

Cystitis is caused neither due to the cold, as often used to think people, and caused by bacteria entering through the urethra. Therefore, the heating as the main form of treatment, is not able to eliminate the cause of the disease. And in some cases may even provoke rapid growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Warming cystitis the bladder is recommended in order to relieve the unpleasant symptoms: painful and uncomfortable feelings in the abdomen, burning sensation of the genital organs, frequent painful urination, which occurs in small portions.

Heat treatments can be carried out if no fever or symptoms of ascension of infection to the kidneys. It is better to choose dry heat - salt or electric heater, not water. It is possible to carry out the procedure of heated salt or sand, wrapped tightly in a cloth bag.
In cystitis it is necessary to restrict the use of bread and confectionery. Not recommended citrus juices, grapes, apples, bananas, mayonnaise, raisins, nuts and chocolate. Strictly forbidden alcohol.

In chronic cystitis, the heating is carried out in the following way: split in half red brick, keep the fire both of its halves so that they can better warmed, then put in an empty bucket. Draped the edges of the buckets of dense matter. Sit on the therapeutic a bucket until it emits heat. Then it is recommended to go to go to bed. Conduct this procedure at least three times.

In a moment of strong pain spasms you can take a warm shower or bath, then before bed a good warm up the legs.
Positive impact of warming up the herb horsetail. Put her canvas bag and apply heat to lower abdomen.

Contraindications warming cystitis

Specialists strongly recommend cystitis:
to take too hot a bath;
- steam bath or sauna;
- bask in the moment of menstruation;
- to perform thermal treatments during pregnancy - it can trigger abortion;
- warm up the bladder in the presence of traces of blood in the urine;
- eat sweet, salty meals and drink alcohol (including beer).

In the case where cystitis haemorrhagic, is strictly prohibited different types of heating.

It is important to start the treatment of cystitis, to prevent its transition into the chronic form, or the development of various tumors. For this it is necessary to closely monitor their health. You need to remember that warming up is not a treatment, it must be applied in combination with antibiotics. For the treatment of cystitis is recommended the following drugs: "Kanefron", "Monural", "Naizin", Tsiston "Furadonin".

The drug need to drink a full course and not stop taking after the disappearance of symptoms. It is an elementary rule will avoid many difficult problems, prolong life and allow you to enjoy all its pleasures.