Crayons for hair is a great way to change your image. They are absolutely harmless and are washed for one or two cleaning heads.

Crayons equally beautiful and bright and will look great on brunettes and blondes. On light hair look better pink, red and purple shades. Dark hair look more spectacular, rich purple, turquoise and blue combined with shades of green. Crayons with mother of pearl will create the effect of professional coloring.

How to use chalk for hair

Crayons come in two forms: dry as normal art pastels and bold in the form of eyeshadow.

Before use it is better to cover shoulders with a towel, as the dust from the chalk will color all around. If the hair is dark, brightness for more color, moisten the cloth with water.

If crayons in the form of pastels, you need a lock twist braid, then paint over with chalk the hair. Crayons in the form of eye shadow used, pressing a finger to a lock of the palette, and slowly moving to the tips of the hair.

To fix the result, you need to sprinkle the hair lacquer. One should not comb hair.

To wash away the chalk, you will need a brush with natural bristles. Directing a jet of soapy water on the painted strands, brush them, washing out the pigment. Chalk soiled clothes washed with regular soap.

Crayons for hair not contain toxins and can be used even by children. The only condition – it should not be too often use them to avoid dryness of hair.

Where to buy crayons for hair

Crayons for hair are sold individually and in the form of charts, containing from 5 to 36 shades. You can buy them in shops of professional hair extensions, beauty salons. There you can get advice masters and even ask to see an example of how to use them.

Some cosmetic brands, for example, The Body Shop or KIKO, release of limited edition crayons for hair, which can be purchased in their own stores.

Numerous groups in social networks, the Internet auction site Ebay, sites with Chinese goods – the place where you can order crayons for hair and save. Delivery will take from two weeks to one month.

Some people instead of chalk specifically designed for hair use an ordinary art pastels that are sold in any shop for artists. Choosing this option, buy soft pastels.