In terms of health benefits, doctors say that choosing men's underwear, the preference is to give the boxers. They do not restrict movement and allow the skin to breathe, unlike trunks. Scientists have conducted several studies, and also in one voice say that swimming trunks should be abandoned.

Swimming trunks or boxers?

Bottoms are popular with young boys and men, because they so beautifully fit male form. Many men think that speedos they can harm your health. Trunks put pressure on the lymph nodes and pressed the blood vessels, resulting in overheating and violation of the circulation process. And all this doesn't just go away in a few years, men who wear swim trunks, starting to complain about the potency and other problems. Bottoms are exclusively designed for the beach.

What boxers are the perfect option for every man. They are so comfortable that their presence is quite noticeable. Those who prefer this model, you need not worry about your health and potency. Good ventilation will keep you cool, while the soft material will save from poor circulation.

Over the past few years, the percentage of sales of the boxers has increased two times, and this is an indication that modern men want to feel comfortable and to preserve health.

Material of men's underwear

Buying boxers, look at the material, it should be natural. It is recommended to purchase underwear made entirely from cotton, this material "breathes" and does not cause irritation. It does not occur overheating of the body. Better to always abandon synthetics, underwear should only be made from quality material. Allowed to add to the cotton a small amount of lycra or polyester fibre.

Also look closely at the seams of the product, they should not be rough and sloppy. If you like bright colors, then the best solution is to buy quality underwear in a specialty store, as the models on the market, painted in a not very useful paint. In addition, the underwear is going to fade and leave marks on the skin.


Do not forget about the size of the boxers, they should not be small or large, in both cases, their wear will bring discomfort and a lot of inconvenience. Boxers small size will reap, and the large – move to interfere