You will need
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - installed Avast! Free Antivirus.
If you do not take urgent action to renew "Avast!", the computer is vulnerable to viruses. Therefore, in the pop-up window with a warning about the expiry click "Register".
You will be asked to choose between two options – the standard, free version of the program for a period of one year and full protection, the paid version with advanced features. To stay on the free version, click invisible on the grey button "Choose". It is located on the left, under the column "Standard protection".
In the window "Registration", fill in the fields Name, LastName and Email. The keyboard layout is not important, and instead of a real name you can specify any alias. But the email address must be current.
In the next window you will be offered a free install trial version Internet Security. Confirm your desire to remain on the free version, when I click the "Close" button. In response you should see the message "All is well. Updates, program components are not required. All the shields are open." This means that the subscription was updated successfully and the validity of free subscription extended for another year. Information about the license expiration date can be seen by opening the "Settings"tab.
If the computer has installed the trial version of the paid program Avast! Internet Security, you can always go back to the free version through the "Settings" tab. For this you need to select "Subscriptions" and click "Other options". A window will appear with the button "to Return to using Avast! Free Antivirus.