How to plant sage in the country

Sage is propagated in several ways. It can be transplanted vegetative method, seeds and seedlings. Although the plant tolerates light frosts and quite undemanding to the soil, some of its features can be called capricious. For example, the love of the world. Plant sage should be exclusively in Sunny suburban areas. The place selected should be the most lit. Frost sage can not be named. The plant can freeze solid even with the all too frequent snow precipitation.

Before planting or sowing plants, the soil should be fertilized with any nutrients. Special preparations for this, so you can use any fertilizer. If you decided to plant sage seed, it is recommended to pre-soak for a day in the stimulant, and then, slightly dry, to sow in the open ground.

Seeds can be planted in a different way, but you need to wait until they sprout, wrapped in a damp cloth. The process of landing better done in the spring.

Seedlings should be planted on the plot at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Sage grows in small bushes. Before planting, the soil should be moistened.

How to grow sage on the windowsill

If you decide to grow sage on the windowsill, then please note that on the package of seeds marked "early". Other varieties of this plant can not survive in the indoor environment.

For sowing seeds suitable conventional flower pot. The land pre-fertilized, and then planted in it germinated seeds. A place for sage you should choose the most bright – sill in this case the ideal territory for normal growth.
Please note that experts recommend planting sage in the home in the form of seedlings. Chance that the plant will catch on in this case anymore. It is necessary to water it regularly, but in minimal quantities.

In summer it is better to place the pots on the balcony. Receiving sufficient normal light, the sage leaves will be more flavorful and juicy.

Care sage

Special care for a sage requires. Regularly weed the ground, to loosen it and fertilize one to two times per year.
In the spring need regular rejuvenation of old shoots. This is done very simply. Simply cut the top of the bushes and wipe dry shoots. This procedure is also carried out in the spring.

Excessive soil moisture can ruin sage. That is why follow the frequency of watering and, if necessary, cover your shrubs with a film with abundant rainfall.