Character fancy rats

Rats are sociable, intelligent and friendly, willing to contact with the person. Compared to other rodents, rats have a developed intellect. In addition to common features inherent in the whole rat race, each pet rat, also has its own traits: some animals are calm and phlegmatic, others are active and curious, others restless and fussy.

A very important trait of all rodents is their sociality. Animals should not live alone — they always need rat company. Human interaction is very important, but even the most loving and caring owner will never replace the rat kindred. Rats love to play together and sleep in an embrace. In addition, they love to suck and lick each other's fur.

Lifestyle pet rats

Fancy rats contain same-sex flocks. If it is not possible to simultaneously hold several rats, you can have two. Of course, living in a pack is fun, but the two rats will not be bored.

Some inexperienced owners believe that it is better to have a "rat family", consisting of males and females. But since rats are different early puberty and fertility, soon in the hands of the host animals of different sexes will be lots of little rats who will need to look for a house. And while the owner is busy looking, rat-female is again pregnant. This is possible even with feeding the previous litter.

Therefore, even the rats breeders engaged in propagation and breeding work, do not contain animals of different sexes together permanently. A male and female planted in the same cage for a maximum of 3 days and only for the purpose of obtaining the litter.

Contrary to popular belief, hand-rats did not suffer without communication with the opposite sex. Moreover, they do not need to be breeding "for health" and do not feel any suffering due to the lack of sexual activity.

The choice of cage for fancy rats

An ideal home for rats is a handmade cage with a plastic base and enameled metal rods. The cage needs to be spacious. To understand the content how many rats the calculated cell, you need to multiply the length, height and width in cm. the Product must then be divided into 60 000, if the cell will live males, or 40 000, if the cage is scheduled to settle females. The resulting number will be the maximum number of rats that can live in this cage.

Feeding pet rats

The basis of the diet manual rats of a mixture, consisting mainly of grains and cereals (wheat, oats, corn, buckwheat, barley, rye, rice) and small amounts of seeds and nuts. Ready this mixture you can buy at the pet store. You can also make yourself. Industrial feed for rodents are considered more balanced. However, decorative rats often eat ready food from only certain types of grains, and the rest has to go. Therefore, many owners prefer to prepare the mixture, focusing on the tastes of their favorites. In addition to the grain mixture, the rats will give a fertilizer in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, lean boiled meat and dairy products.