
Bacterial infection is the direct cause of barley on the eye. Inflammation is a staph infection directly of a hair follicle and adjacent sebaceous glands.

Often the barley is popping up in people with weak immune system. This occurs as a result of infection of the hair follicle (from dirty hands, from dust). In addition, the barley can appear in those cases where there is any disease: diabetes, worms, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The metabolic disorders can also cause the appearance of the stye.


Headaches, soreness in the eye area, often fever accompany the barley. On the edge of the eyelid is formed of a painful point, swelling, which is often accompanied by redness and itching. A few days later on the top of it appears to boil, a yellowish head, after opening of which particles of necrotic tissue and pus. Squeeze out the pus yourself in any case impossible. This can lead to more serious eye diseases. Not ripe barley can pass without opening, this is normal.


At the first sign of emergence of barley you can prepare a special poultice that will help get rid of the disease at an early stage. For this a small piece of cotton should be moistened in vodka. This compress gently applied to the itchy area of the skin for 5-7 minutes. Be careful: make sure that the alcohol did not get into the eyes. On top of the poultice, cover a large piece of cotton.

Dry heat is also an effective method of getting rid of barley in a short time. In this case, a perfect warm egg. Cook it hard boiled and wrapped in fabric. Then apply to the inflamed areas. To keep the poultice should be for 7-10 minutes. Remember: if you have already formed an abscess or purulent head, barley warm not. In this case, you will only aggravate the situation.

For the treatment of barley, experts recommend to apply ointments, containing antibacterial drugs. Remember: barley is in any case impossible to squeeze. The pus can penetrate deep into the tissue, leading to severe inflammation of the orbit.

Medicines for the treatment of barley prescribed by a doctor-ophthalmologist. It can be antibacterial preparations for local use: erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, gentamicin, etc.