Why a chin may be red

The most common cause of redness in the chin area acne, that is acne. In most cases, suffer because of this adolescents, as during adjustment of the organism there is an abrupt change in hormonal levels, and activation of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Often the red chin is a sign of allergies. It can be caused by many factors: pollen, microscopic mites that live in house dust, some foods, drinks, drugs, UV irradiation, etc.
An allergic reaction usually itchy. It can be as moderate or strong, causing noticeable discomfort.

Red spots on chin can occur due to certain skin conditions. For example, such spots is a typical example of the disease of rosacea, the causes of which have not yet been clarified by the doctors. We only know that is a non-infectious inflammatory disease that affects mainly people of middle and old age. The treatment of this disease is very long and not always effective.
Most often it occurs in the Scandinavian countries, where signs of the disease are found in approximately 10% of the population.

The chin may be red also because of the expansion of capillaries that are near the surface of the skin. In addition, red spots can be a symptom of scleroderma – connective tissue disease. These spots will eventually become more bright and dense.

How to get rid of red spots on his chin

It is best to consult a dermatologist for the correct diagnosis. If the redness caused by acne, twice a day, morning and evening, wipe the skin cucumber lotion or decoction of birch buds. If the redness is allergic in nature, try to determine what caused the Allergy.

Daily do wet cleaning of the premises, wash the eyes and nasal passages. There should be adjustments in the diet, minimizing the consumption of such vysokomanevrennyh products, such as citrus, peanuts, eggs, red berries. If necessary, you can take antihistamines prescribed by your attending physician.

For rosacea a person needs to follow a diet. Also very useful would be to undergo cryotherapy and laser therapy.