The "Whiskas"

Cats need large amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should also be present in their diet, but much less. For them no less than for a person certain important minerals and vitamins. To mimic the wild diet of these animals, which gives them everything they need, you need to give them raw frozen beef meat, boiled lean chicken, green vegetables, dairy products. But not all cat owners are willing to follow the strict rules of natural eating, so they prefer to buy food. The better the feed, the better and more natural ingredients it includes, the more expensive but higher quality product.

On the packaging of food "Whiskas", given the composition, which results in a good veterinary doctors in horror. First, the "by-products of animal origin," it's not meat: fat, bones, joints, heads, beaks and much more, spiced with flavors that cats love this food. As a result, in the "Whiskas" a large amount of fat, but little protein. And the animals are often replaced by vegetable proteins: structure, you can find soy, corn cobs, peanut shells. Secondly, it contains corn gluten, which is harmful to the digestion of animals and causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Thirdly, in the "Whiskas" includes preservatives and flavors that long-term use is toxic.

But it is necessary to give food manufacturers credit, they have included some vitamins and is important for cats with taurine, although it is cheap ingredients.

Harm "Whiskas"

Perhaps, "nature" has a right to exist, if its production is carefully monitored. But it is important to understand that among many other foods is one of the most unwholesome, unbalanced and cheap. In such cases, the low price speaks volumes about the quality, as good fresh meat is expensive.

Cats are different: some have a digestive system copes with low-quality forages and improper natural diet, others need to be fed strictly by the rules and carefully monitor their diet. This explains the many cases where pet owners feed their "Whiskas" throughout life, and cats live long, not suffer and feel fine. Cat food not poison, some Pets are really handling it well and getting even feeding from the table or independently producing their own food, they make up for the lack of certain substances. But this food is for animals with delicate digestive system it can become dangerous.

Compounding the situation is that cats quickly become accustomed to the rich flavors of "Whiskas" and only require it. To rid a pet of this habit difficult.