Causes and symptoms inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears

Inflammation in the lymph nodes located behind the ears, can cause diseases of other internal organs in the neck and head. It can be the consequence of an ordinary cold, chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the outer, middle or inner ear, and inflammation in the throat – tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis. Sometimes the posterior auricular lymph nodes are increased during exacerbation of furunculosis, is that the reason for this is herpes or inflammation of the maxillary sinus – sinusitis. Allergy, dental problems and diseases of the oral cavity also may be accompanied by lymphadenopathy.

In addition to pain in the lymph nodes, inflammation is accompanied by their increase and, in acute disease, fever and redness of the skin around the lymph node or over it. As a rule, acute lymphadenopathy occurs with the simultaneous deterioration of General health, including headaches, weakness in the whole body, sleepiness and lack of energy.
In General cases, inflammation in the lymph nodes clearly indicate the reduced levels of immunity.

First aid for inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears

First of all, if you yourself cannot detect and eliminate the cause inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the ears and the mouth reduces the risk of inflammation in the lymph nodes. Along with the drugs that are prescribed by a doctor, as a rule, antibiotics, try to apply those means that are known in folk medicine.

In this case, a very useful heat, so it is necessary to heat the inflamed lymph node, using a pouch with a heated iodized salt or warm bandage with a woolen scarf or scarf. Brew fresh or dried leaves of celandine in boiling water and when they are slightly cooled, place them on the inflamed lymph node and the skin surrounding it. Adult and child can be applied to the leaves of the plant as a compress, covering them up with plastic wrap and placing a blindfold made of wool scarf.
If the lymph node does not hurt, but was firm to the touch or visible pitting of the skin over the node and purulent discharge from it, immediately contact your doctor.

Take care of increase of your immune system and more careful attitude to their own health, avoiding colds and hypothermia. Include in your diet foods rich in natural vitamins. When there is a lack be useful to take synthetic vitamin complexes. In the acute form of the disease when symptoms similar to poisoning, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm fluids such as herbal teas, infusions of rose hips, raspberry leaf, flower of Echinacea.